Sunday, July 25, 2021

Richard Wright

- p. 589-90, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Edmund Wilson

- p. 589, The Best American Essays of the Century.

E.B. White

E(lwyn) B(rooks) White
- p. 589, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Eudora Welty

- p. 588, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Alice Walker

- p. 588, The Best American Essays of the Century.

John Updike

- p. 587-8, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Mark Twain

- p. 587, The Best American Essays of the Century.

James Thurber

- p. 587, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Lewis Thomas

- p. 586-7, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Gertrude Stein

- p. 586, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Richard Rodriguez

- p. 585, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Adrienne Rich

- p. 585, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Katherine Anne Porter

- p. 584-5, The Best American Essays of the Century.

S.J. Perelman

S(idney) J(oseph) Perelman
- p. 584, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Vladimir Nabokov

- p. 583, The Best American Essays of the Century.

John Muir

- p. 582-3, The Best American Essays of the Century.

N. Scott Momaday

N(avarre) Scott Momaday
- p. 582, The Best American Essays of the Century.

H.L. Mencken

H(enry) L(ouis) Mencken
- p. 582, The Best American Essays of the Century.

John McPhee

- p. 581-2, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Mary McCarthy

Mary (Therese) McCarthy
- p. 581, The Best American Essays of the Century.

William Manchester

- p. 580-1, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Maxine Hong Kingston

- p. 580, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

- p. 580, The Best American Essays of the Century.

William James

- p. 579-80, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Zora Neale Hurston

- p. 579, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Langston Hughes

(James) Langston Hughes
- p. 578-9, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Michael Herr

- p. 578, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Ernest Hemingway

- p. 577-8, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Robert Frost

Robert (Lee) Frost
- p. 575-6, The Best American Essays of the Century.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

F(rancis) Scott (Key) Fitzgerald
- p. 575, The Best American Essays of the Century.

T.S. Eliot

T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot
- p. 575, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Loren Eiseley

- p. 574-5, The Best American Essays of the Century.

W.E.B. Du Bois

W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghardt) Du Bois
- p. 573, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Joan Didion

p. 572-3, The Best American Essays of the Century.

John Jay Chapman

p. 572, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Rachel Carson

p. 572, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Randolph Bourne

p. 571, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Saul Bellow

p. 571, The Best American Essays of the Century.

James Baldwin

p. 570-1, The Best American Essays of the Century.

Maya Angelou

p. 570, The Best American Essays of the Century.

James Agee

p. 570, The Best American Essays of the Century.